Rochdale Pioneers Museum Lecture Series

Lecture 3: Co-operation and Peace – 75 years on. Mervyn Wilson discusses advanced democracy and the peace parade.

Audio contains imagery which unfortunately cannot be seen through Soundcloud. If you are interested in watching the films that can be heard throughout the audio please contact the museum on:

Telephone: 01706 524920

Email: [email protected]

Co-operation and Peace – 75 years on – Mervyn Wilson

Co-operation and Peace Presentation

Advanced Democracy

Lecture 5: Feminists in the early Co-operative Movement. Michael Herbert looks at women such as Frances Morrison Catherine Barmby and Margaret Chappelsmith, who wrote and lectured on the rights of women in the early Co-operative movement.

Feminists in the Early Co-operative Movement – Michael Herbert

Up then Brave Women

Lecture 6: The Anniversary of the Wembley Pageant – Mervyn Wilson. 2013 sees the 75th anniversary of one of the most remarkable International Co-operative Day celebration events held in the UK – the Wembley Pageant.

Anniversary of the Wembley Pageant Presentation

Wembley Pageant Programme

Lecture 8: Building Co-operation – Tony Webster. 2013 marks the 150th anniversary of the formation of the Co-operative Wholesale Society formed in 1863. This talk will chart the rise, reign, retreat and renaissance of British co-operation – especially focusing upon the CWS and the Co-operative Group.

Building Co-operation Lecture – Tony Webster

Building Co-operation – Presentation

ColossusLecture 9: The Rochdale Pioneers Original Minute Book – Neil Williams & Liesl Beckles. The Rochdale Pioneers opened their store just before Christmas 1844. Join staff and volunteers from the Rochdale Pioneers Museum and celebrate the achievements of both the Rochdale Pioneers and of the Museum Team during 2013. The Museum’s dedicated team of volunteers has been working hard throughout 2013 to transcribe the Pioneers’ very first minute book. During this talk the volunteers will give you an insight into the content of the minute book by sharing some of their personal highlights.

The Rochdale Pioneers Original Minute Book – Neil Williams & Liesl Beckles

The Rochdale Pioneers Original Minute Book – Presentation

Minute Book 1844 - Pic